Project Description

2000 Diamond Winners

8th Annual Diamond Day – April 2, 2000

Orange County,

Grade 7-12 Category

Tiffany Lamanski

A flower that blossoms everyday
A stream that always flows
An adventure that has just begun
A book that never ends
A candle that will never die – Mother

Grade:  7
School: St. Pius V
City: Buena Park, CA
Diamond Mom: Pauline

Orange County,

Grade 1-6 Category

Sandy Enriquez

Her hair like the swaying sea cradling a sunset
Eyes like two blue sparkling sapphires
Hands as smooth as gold silk
A voice soft like the gentle wind

Grade: 5
School: Gilbert Elementary
City: Garden Grove, CA
Diamond Mom: Mery


National Winner

Rachel Tomberlin

The soothing sound of her voice melts away my sorrow
The gentleness of her touch relieves my deepest pains
The warmth of her sparkling eyes penetrates my soul

Grade: 7
School: St. Timothy Episcopal
City: Apple Valley, CA
Diamond Mom: Cathy


National Winner

Laura Cataldi

My mother’s love is like a blanket, shielding me from cold winds of harm. Embraced within her soft touch, I am safe. Sacrificing all, she comforts me forever.

Grade: 10
School: Nardin Academy
City: Buffalo NY
Diamond Mom: Pauline


National Winner

Jennifer Scruggs

A glorious angel sent from heaven,
with beauty like a dove
Her voice drains all sadness
A brilliant star shining through the darkness
My friend, my mom

Grade: 5
School: Sleepy Hollow Elementary
City: Amarillo TX
Diamond Mom: Laura


National Winner

Victor Taylor

A vast lake sparkling with sunlight
A pure meadow with the gentlest breeze
My mother is more beautiful than all of these
My angel. My mother.

Grade: 5
School: St. Mary
City: New Albany, IN
Diamond Mom: Lisa


National Winner

Ashley Goodell

My mother is an angel.
This is true, I know.
She’s an everlasting hug,
that’ll never let me go.
Knowing that I’m loved,
because she told me so.

Grade: 8
School: Chippewa Middle School
City: Okemos, MI
Diamond Mom: Cheryl


National Winner

Ashley Kreidler

She is like a wave.
As tribulations appear in my life,
the tide rises and she flows to my side.
Her flowing nature calms my storm.
Mom, my refuge.

Grade: 11
School: St. Johns
City: Delphos, OH
Diamond Mom: Mary Jo