Diamond Mikeisms
The following is a list of observations and positive lessons that Diamond Mike Watson has compiled from his life experiences.
Living Promises
1. Be Kind. Love yourself. Love others. Treat all things with compassion.
2. Be Giving. Give cheerfully without expecting return. Give more than you take.
3. Be Forgiving. Ask forgiveness when you harm another. Forgive all who harm you.
4. Be Thankful. Have immense gratitude for all things. Be thankful for your dwelling, your body, your senses, and your challenges which strengthen you.
5. Be Joyful. Smile, laugh, and find great joy in all things. Worry not. Be joyful for the darkness of sleep, the sunshine of day, and all that lies between.
6. Be Mindful. Be aware of now. Recognize your reflection in all things. Be mindful we each experience life differently. Your truth may not be another’s.
7. Be Brave. Walk with courage. Live without fear. Speak your truth. Grow in wisdom. Wake with excitement.
Seek everything within yourself and find everything in everything else.
Shine your light.
8. Know. Know you are loved. Know you are a masterpiece.
Know your thoughts, words, and actions can empower, inspire, and heal.
Know all things are possible with unyielding intention.
Know the amazing thing about each day is you create it.
Download a free printable and framable copy of the Living Promises here: